Friday, February 22, 2008

Goodbye February

Where did it go? I think that's a record for the fastest a month has ever passed. Well it's not quite over yet, but I can't believe uni goes back next week. I've finished uni but Allie, my flatmate, doesn't seem overly excited about going back. I love going back to uni after holidays, weird I know, but I love starting a new year. And this is my FIRST year I've been out of school since I was 4!! I did SEVENTEEN years of school and now I'm not going back. Oh well, one must move on eventually. As for my oldest sister, Carly, she's just finishing her PhD in Contemporary Arts (painting) and her thesis is due the end of this month. Yikes. She's a professional uni student, and proud of it. Leesa, my other sister, recently moved to north-eastern Victoria to live near our mum, but she hasn't been able to get a teaching job (she has an Education degree), so she's in the process of starting a job at a 000 call centre! Could be pretty stressful, but she's made for those situations!

I think I'm going to go to Focus next week, seeing as that's one of the days I don't work. Just to see what they're up to! I can't let go... ;)

Adrian leaves for his short-term mission trip on 9th April. He'll be gone for 11 months in total. I leave for Europe 8 days after he leaves, on 17th April. I'll be back on 23rd June. Exciting times. We're really kinda desperate to promote his trip, not for financial support, but prayer support and just to have people knowing about it and taking an interest. I know our church in particular is trying to be more and more mission-focused, and it just seems that this is an opportunity we should be embracing, to have one of our church members going on a not-so-short mission trip to somewhere that has so many huge needs. So hopefully Mick Elliott from SIM can come and speak at Wellspring sometime, and hopefully people will go HERE (bookmark it!!!) and read about it and learn about Bolivia and Ecuador, maybe pray about it, and take an interest. The Bible Society is making Bolivia their big project for this year, so you'll probably see their brochures and stuff in churches around the place.


Renae said...

Why did he feel I needed to know that?

adrian said...

Is he a friend of yours?

Thanks for your ongoing support Renae.. I'm considering a quick quiz at church on Bolivia and Ecuador, perhaps other Latin American countries also. It'll be interesting to see how much the church community knows about these countries when tested. A good way to learn I reckon!

Will pray for your preparations for Europe, and for work...



BSJ-rom said...

I'll keep that in mind too...

Anyways, lots of exciting times await. All we need is a going away party at Knoppies so I can be rude again... why is it that when I talk to a fictional character on the phone people think they're real and when it's a real person, they don't believe me. Sigh. What a predicament.

Anyway, it's latish and I have to work on the morrow, so au revoir, a bientot (it should be spanish, shouldn't it, oh well, you'll just have to endure my English and French).