Monday, March 03, 2008

The BOOK list!

Now for the second-most long-awaited list of 2008.. my Top 10 Favourite Novels. Here they are.

1. Harp in the South - Ruth Park

2. A Power of Roses - Ruth Park

3. Playing Beattie Bow - Ruth Park

4. My Sister Sif - Ruth Park

5. The Alphabet of Light and Dark - Danielle Wood

6. The Devil's Own - Deborah Lisson

7. The Diary of Anne Frank (sort of a novel)

8. Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen

9. Poor Man's Orange - Ruth Park

10. Cloudstreet - Tim Winton

Runners-up: The Power of One, The Potato Factory, Tommo and Hawk, Solomon's Song and Four Fires, all by Bryce Courtenay. They're exceptionally good books, I just don't like Bryce Courtenay's need to make every scene gorier than it needs to be.. he must seriously love violence. Therefore he does not make the top ten.

Hmmm there seems to be a Ruth Park trend! And an Australian trend. And a children's novel trend. There are so many other awesome novels that are far better books than these, but these are the ones I personally like best. That was a rather boring list.. most people don't really like/care about novels unless they're a book nerd. So, coming next... top 10 favourite songs. Yay!


BSJ-rom said...

Wasn't Cloudstreet fun! Ok, so it was one of the most depressing novels ever written, but yes, I'd have to agree that it's up there with the best.

The count of Monte Christo was a pretty cool story - similar to catch me if you can in a weird "bridging the generation gap" sort of way.

The Diary of Anne Frank was... I don't know, it was like reading through the diary of a teenage girl. Compelling reading! Seriously though, the circumstances make it a must read.

Renae said...

Ooh I haven't read Count of Monte Christo, but I heard the movie is good. Um yes, some of those novels are very depressing, but in most cases, like with Bryce Courtenay, you need that as a precursor to the ending, so that it has the right impact!! As for Cloudstreet, that probably didn't need to be as depressing as it was. Some authors are just sadists. :P

BSJ-rom said...

Count of Monte Christo was great, but there's this big druggie bit, which is a bit weird, and a bit creepy. I wasn't expecting that from a book written in the 1840s. I wonder if drug taking had similar a similar sociological significance to what it does now.

Renae said...

Mmm mebbe. Guess what.. I'm gonna write a top 10 song list next. Stay tuned, and wait with eager anticipation :)