Friday, July 20, 2007

The Famous MYC

MYC (Focus Mid-Year Conference) 2007 has been and gone! There's no easy way to summarise it, so...

Highlights :)

Romans bible studies - we did Romans 9-14. I learnt that God is in complete control, and this is a very good thing for us.

Prophesying groups - sharing our thoughts on different issues in each other's lives, and talking about bits of the Bible that would help.

Seminars - Discussion could've gone all day.. we got thinking about such big issues and there just wasn't enough time in a seminar, let alone a day!

Electives - I went to TEAR, marriage and children (by far the most popular, it was packed out by guys and girls!) and the Bible Society.

Talks - the best bit of MYC! We learnt stacks and not just that, but I think we got a lot of application out of these. Like how to look at suffering. These talks gave no easy comforting answers. A lot of it was challenging and hard to accept. Like how hard is it to accept that the bad things in life come from God. We also looked at how Jesus described his own suffering as "sorrow to the point of death." Man. Sorrow to the point of death.. But Jesus accepted his lot from God. He prayed and continued to obey, and never pretended it was easy.

Bits of my notes from Sam's talk say "in these situations there is a struggle to remain faithful. In struggles, your true nature comes out. Proverbs says if a man fails in times of difficulty, how small is his strength. Consider it joy, not because it's easy - it's not. But because God uses it. We're shaped by perseverance through trials. Look back and you'll see you've changed."

Here is a section of the notes I took on Sam's 3rd talk (not sure if it's quoted from him or if I paraphrased, but you get the picture):

"Imagine if you were suffering and God was not sovereign or in complete control. Imagine praying to that God. It would be depressing. But our God is sovereign."

Bushdancing - How much fun was this!! Everyone got very much into the country theme. Not the just fashion but the lingo too, with lots of Bobby-Joe's and Betty-Sue's, not to mention the inevitable Brokeback Mountain jokes ;) It looked and sounded more like an American barndance by the end of it! But we thoroughly enjoyed our lil' shindig.

So try and come next year if you wanna learn heaps about our great God, hang out with awesome people and have a pretty memorable time!


BSJ-rom said...

Ahh the electives. James Poland wasn't too impressed when I had some time off for free time but then worked on my uni stuff during electives...

Have you noticed that once you've done seminars before, they're no longer the massive brain strains that they once were? I felt quite refreshed by the whole process rather than mentally drained as in previous years - which is ironic considering the proportion of sentences that contained references to predestination or allusions to such themes.

I concur: not enough hours in the day, but a fantastic time in the hours that we did have. Worth thanking God for.

BSJ-rom said...

You going to the footy this weekend?

Renae said...

Is there AFL at Aurora Stadium? I haven't heard. Who's playing?

BSJ-rom said...

Goodness gracious me... Hawthorn are playing the Kangas on Sunday. They're already talking sellouts.