Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pirates of the Caribbean 3

Hi.. I couldn't not write about this movie after reading what other people said about it. So my big question is.. how could you not like it! If I remember rightly Mike thought it had too much Johnny Depp, too much stupid monkey humour, and it was too long, just to name a few criticisms!

So just so you don't decide to wait for the DVD, I wanna defend it! Ok, so admittedly I literally lost the plot about half way through, but this doesn't suggest anything about the movie, more the fact that I can't follow a plot more complicated than boy meets girl blah blah or pirates steal ship, other pirates try to get it back, etc. So I pretty much had little clue as to what was going on in the second half. But even without a nice complex plot to follow, it had so much more to keep me entertained.

Number 1. Johnny Depp.. Ok so there was about five times the Johnny Depp humour as Pirates 1 and 2 had, but for a movie that long, you needed it! After I'd given up on following the plot, it was Jack Sparrow's hilarious random remarks and facial expressions that kept it entertaining. Some of the humour was really at the wrong place and the wrong time though. During a vital scene of the movie, there'd be a random funny thing plonked straight in the middle. That's fine, but it sorta distracts you from what was going on! But Jack was hilarious in this one. So we'll forgive them for poorly placing the humour!

Number 2. The monkey. Erk it was so ugly! I don't like monkeys. And that weird chirping noise it made.. However, it didn't have that many funny moments, so it was ok. And the ones it did have were classic.

Number 3. Too long? Well I didn't get bored! Maybe cos I prepared myself for the 2 and a half hours or whatever. Oh, and MAKE SURE YOU STAY TIL AFTER THE CREDITS!!! We only stayed cos we'd been told about it, but so many people left and didn't get to see the summing up of whole movie! And it was such a good ending, if not a little odd..

So I'd say it was up there with the first movie. I didn't like the second because there was far too many repulsive close-ups of the ugly squirmy slithering squid-face guy. Pirates 3 did still too much of this guy, but I'm overlooking that cos of its other benefits!

So there you go.. as you might have figured out, I'm not the most reliable source as I don't really care about plot so much as visual appeal and laugh value.. All in all, you should go see it because otherwise you won't know what we're all talking about and won't be able to write your very own review like I did :)


Axel and Manny said...

Finally, another fan!!

Hi there, nice to cyber-meet you. Manny's the name, though i post under the guise of my cat. a little disturbing i know...

I really liked the movie too. I thought it fulfilled its purpose- to entertain me. Im a bit of a film buff, but also wouldnt concider myself a film snob.
It obviously isnt going to be classic in the film history books, but found it good fun anyway.

Renae said...

Yeah.. there was an article in the paper today saying you couldn't just like a movie for its visual appeal and cool special effects, cos that lets poor film makers get away with making lame films that have no character and plot development. Rubbish, I say!

Chris said...

i'm sorry, the movie was absolute crap. i want my money back. It was predictable, unoriginal, long and boring!

this is what i wrote on Imo's blog and i'll write it again on urs

"I would have to disagree with you on the Pirates 3 making into your list. It is absolutely terrible. There is no development of the characters, no unexpected turns, no emotional involvement with the characters, nothing even remotely interesting. And it gets better, it goes along that badly forever. FAR too long! I think its best summed up when Keira Knightly gives a speech to the pirates about how they need to fight. If i'm not mistaken the speech writers took it straight out of Braveheart and slightly changed the words. It still went something along the lines of "they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom". However, at this point in the movie her character was just really annoying, and her speech was completely uninspiring. Jack Sparrow was funny in the first movie but he was just the same. All in all i wish i hadn't wasted my money!"

but thats just my opinion ;)

Renae said...

Hmmph. Still liked it.