Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Old friends :)

The other day I was thinking about childhood interests, or obsessions as the case may be, and started remembering all the old favourites!! Two of the best were Captain Planet and Alvin and the Chipmunks. Remember them?? When I was searching for pictures of the Chipmunks it kept coming up as an 80s children's program. They're not that old, are they? Anyway, see if you remember these guys..

This is Captain Planet. "By your powers combined..." He's so cool, green hair and all. I think the idea was that some mother earth woman had woken up to find the world in a mess, so she enlists five 'ordinary' teenagers to fight pollution or something.. and by combining all five powers they summoned up (for want of a better term) Captain Planet. Of course this seems entirely credible when you're 8. So there's Kwame (Earth), Wheeler (Fire), Linka (Wind), Gi (Water) and Ma-Ti (Heart - obviously the sensitive one). Do you remember the song?

Then there was Alvin and the Chipmunks. Alvin (red), Simon (blue) and Theodore (green), and each of them had a girl chipmunk, Brittany (pink), Janet (purple) and Eleanor (yellow) if I remember rightly. There's not much about them on the internet. Don't know why! They're great.

Ahh, the memories..


BSJ-rom said...

Super Ted on a black and white TV...
Ok, back to work.

kath said...

yeah, i think lizzie or phil have captain planet as their ringtone... so cool...

mike said...

You are all dags... what happened to study?

Axel and Manny said...

Oh I like this post- my favourite as a kid was a cartoon with pilots always trying to catch a bird. They had a dog called 'mugsly', or something simlilar.
I refuse to watch my old cartoons tho, i saw an episode of astro boy a while ago- it was nothing like i remembered it, as it was so aweful.

Renae said...

Super Ted was cool! Oh, Spotty! Hehe.. I want that ringtone. Mike, study happens only when it wants to happen, you should know this. You can't force it. And um, I have no idea what that cartoon show with the pilots is. Gonna study now..

BSJ-rom said...

Gumby was also a highlight of my childhood, with the Block Heads and Mexican Jumping Beans powered by fishing line.

Gonna have to organise a Loony Tunes party. Or a Tom and Jerry one. Sounds like a very good idea at the moment while I procrastinate from my stress assignment.

Imo said...

I've got captain planet tone on my phone, can give it to you if you'd like it...

I loved them, and Victor and Hugo too.... and Bananaman... Superted was one of my favourites though.

It must be something about our generation that says we must always talk about the tv we used to watch - I have this conversation every couple of months with different people... It's a good conversation to have though - tv today is terrible!! My babysitting kids make me watch Bratz (they stop the tape if I go to do the washing up while it's on...) and it's HORRIBLE...