Friday, December 21, 2007



Michael said...

Congratulations! What is the title of your bachelor-ness?

BSJ-rom said...

Nice work on your 4001 word post...

So the tassels, how did they come off?

Renae said...

Thanks. Bachelor of Tourism

They just fell off, I looked down and they were no longer there. Got another one in time though.

BSJ-rom said...

Good job.

You've graduated.
What happened next?

Keeping those fishies busy?
Or just sticking to the big mammals?

Renae said...

Yeah just hanging around in this job til my overseas trip in April. All the whales are in Antarctica eating their krill unfortunately. We have dolphins though. Saw a sunfish today! Do you know what a sunfish is? Absolutely bizarre! Oh and we saw a flying fish last week, I couldn't believe they actually FLY! I just thought they jumped out of the water. Yeah I will blog again soon when I can be bothered!

BSJ-rom said...

Well, we netted a long snouted boar fish - which was undersize, so had to be returned. And I saw a couple of seahorses.

Looks like I go down 3-2 in the exotic fish spotting comp... but dolphin aren't fish, so I guess it's 2-all.

I think you're gonna have to do a post on sunfish, cos they look like pretty cool fish. Apparently sunfish are in the same family as puffer fish - the family of which fugu is a part. (Gotta be happy with the Simpson's reference.)

Renae said...

Haha.. I'm not versed on Simpson's characters unfortunately. Still think it's pretty funny as far as tv shows go.. and the movie was good.

Yes, I think we're even. Dolphins are not fish. I have seen lots of tuna though, cos they're starting to catch them now. Is that exotic?

Mmm the sunfish wasn't that interesting, it just looked like a weird looking dorsal fin poking up out of the water, and a dark shape beneath water. Apparently they can be really big though, and weigh up to a tonne. I'll post about something soon though. There is a bit happening, I just have to muster up the energy.