Sunday, September 23, 2007

A trip to the "far south", job interviews and girly chats

It's been awhile. I haven't written here since becoming addicted to Facebook, plus I have mountains of assignments coming up in the beginning of October. Since the last post, Adrian and I have been on a weekend trip to Dover, which was simply for the purpose of having a holiday. Good enough reason, I say! Yes, the residents of Dover are proud of where they're from (see above). It really is a beautiful place though.

I may have a job. I had 3 interviews in one week. The first I didn't get, the second I got an offer but didn't accept, and the third (dream job) I got an unofficial offer from and I'm just praying they don't change their mind! Keep you posted on that one.

Tonight was fruit and veg night at Christine's, a get-together for the Focus girls. We had a really good chat and made healthy drinks. It was a great night.


BSJ-rom said...

You need more balance in your life... Facebook is great, but it does need to be better tempered by your blogging.

So what's your dream job (really poor joke coming up...)? Like a mattress tester or something? (My apologies.)

Renae said...

Hahaha. Thankyou for your kind advice Jerome, I'll make sure my life becomes more balanced between facebook and blogging. My dream job is not to test mattresses, but to work on a wildlife cruise boat. I'm so glad you warned me that the really poor joke was coming up! :P

BSJ-rom said...

That's ok. I realised it was pretty bad when not even I laughed...

Is that down here, or somewhere where it's slightly warmer during the winter months?

Renae said...

The job? It's at Eaglehawk Neck. So a bit of a drive..