Monday, September 24, 2007


It seems it's the most talked about piece of news at the moment and everyone with a blog is posting up the latest fiery inferno pictures, so I thought I would too. The Myer fire is quite an odd piece of news. No-one was physically hurt (although some emotionally no doubt - all those designer labels, what will some women do?) Not to forget the managers and people who worked there, who it'd be a good thing to pray for. So it's not really on the whole devastating, or shocking.. just a bit weird. It seems everyone's a bit weirded out by it. There'll be a big hole in the streetscape and lots more people going to Eastlands' department stores. But those things aren't really that unsettling. I think it was just the sight of the middle of our city going up in flames.


BSJ-rom said...

I'm declaring my blog a Myer-free zone...

Good to see your blogging/facebook regime is getting back into shape.

Myer are paying employees still, other stores can't afford to.

Jonny said...

Yeah, the Myer fire was cool. I liked it. Well overdue for a new building. Mostly I want cheap smoke and water damaged cloths, let me know if you find out when the sale is on.

BSJ-rom said...

There are some shoes going about, according to the pics...

Renae said...

And Mike got a free souvenir!