Monday, October 09, 2006

10 months later I remember that this thing exists

Hi dearies! Well it's been almost a year since I wrote on this thing. I got over the whole blog phase pretty quickly! Was talking to some people last night about blogging and realised I had neglected mine, so I'd better update. Well, second year uni is better than first year!! It's cool, I've had to pull a few all-nighters but hey! That is part of the joy of being a uni student.

Guess what... I'm 20. I was complaining to dad about this dilemma and he was saying "so what, I'm approaching 65!" Now I think I have more right to complain about my age cos I'm leaving those teen years and it's kinda like leaving behind childhood. But not older people. And so I had this.. hmm, let's call it a revelation, actually an epiphany.. complaining about your age is completely illogical!!

Here's why. People, for example in their 60s, complain about their age as if it's unfair! "You young people don't have to worry about this and this and this" and it's always said in this way that suggests that we've got it good and that they've had this huge injustice! But we will be that age one day also, or we might not even be that lucky. They were our age once, and we will be their age one day. We're all at different stages in the one cycle! No difference. There is nothing at all even vaguely unfair about it.

Secondly, the whole human instinct seems to revolve around the will to survive! We spend our whole lives trying to stay alive, and the most shocking tragedy is when a 2 year old child dies, or a 20 year old or whatever. People who have reached their 60s or 80s have beaten the odds and survived! Everything that their human instincts have been striving for has been achieved! It is therefore completely ironic and illogical that they complain about their age.

So there you go, maybe that applies to me too! I guess 20 is not so bad, it just sounds so intimidating. I can not be 20!! When we were little we always said "imagine what we're gonna be like when we're 20!" 20 always symbolised grown-up. Wow, so this is what it feels like ;)

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